Talon Articles

100 years of journalism at M.A.

A century of student voices Since 1920, Minnehaha Academy students have been covering news, exchanging opinions and recording school history. In 2019-20, The Talon newspaper staff reviewed this history in a four-part series. PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4

Coronavirus: Staff editorial

For seniors, spring brings lessons you can't learn in a classroom It is safe to say that the senior class of 2020 has had one of the most unpredictable high school careers in all of Minnehaha history. After our freshman year at the old North Campus building, the...

New Student Leadership Institute announced

Program designed to promote selfless, faithful leaders "Everyone is going to have opportunities to lead throughout the rest of their lives," said social studies teacher Collin Quinn. "Life is about learning. So are you interested in the type of person that you're...

Administrators to shift responsibilities

Minnehaha announces a leadership change taking effect next year Before coronavirus took the world by storm, Minnehaha announced that it would undergo an administration switch-up that would take effect at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year. As a result, the...
Minneapolis moving mayhem


Chauvin verdict announced after a year of anticipation "Thank you. Please be seated," said Judge Peter Cahill. After...

Plants in space

Plants in space

The Plant Team of Minnehaha's ARE class is studying the effect of microgravity on phototropism; i.e. how microgravity...

Scripture chapel

Scripture chapel

The annual scripture chapel was held today as 500 notecards with bible verses were strung up on fishing lines among...