Boys Articles

A double-edged sword

Though texting is a quick mode of communication, it is often used in place of face-to-face interactions, affecting the quality of our conversations and how we form relationships  It's everywhere. It's aboard buses and in cafes. You see it when you're walking down the...

Divergent stays true to the book

The moment that Ansel Elgort and Veronica Roth's heads become visible as they ascend the escalator and step onto the red carpet, the screaming begins. The two are welcomed by throngs of fans, most of whom have been waiting in line for hours, or had to win some...

New Leadership class

More than following the leader: New Leadership Studies course teaches males how to set an example within their gender-community Five months, four units, three class periods per week, two years to develop a curriculum, one gender and infinite definitions of the subject...

Teamwork across the metro

Hope Academy officially joins Minnehaha Academy sports teams in an across metro co-op Many Minnehaha athletics teams have struggled to get depth in their programs because lower numbers. Even middle school teams are being dropped and younger kids are being brought up...