Academics Articles

Day 82 What it means to be political

A Government class discusses the meaning of the word political. Photo by Maddie Binning.

Day 81 Leaving for Break

Once finals are complete, students make their way out the door for winter break. Photo by Maddie Binning.

Day 80 Band Room

After the second day of finals, the band room sits peacefully as student musicians file in and out to retrieve their instruments. Photo by Maddie Binning.

Day 79 Free Posters

Free posters sit in the library for teachers or students to take. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 107 Quill Pen

Day 107 Quill Pen

Janet Johnson's english classes spend a special day in the library writing with a quill pen. Photo by Maddie Binning.

Physics First

Physics First

Scientific actions and reactions Minnehaha adopts a new science curriculum, teaching physics as a foundation for other...

Technology in school

Technology in school

Minnehaha invests to become a school for the 21st century AP Chemistry students start their homework, AP U.S. History...